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July 3, 2023

How to rest and recharge the brain and body | NSDR

What is NSDR? Increase performance. Vivify memory. Enhance learning. Savor relaxation. Maximize health. Non-sleep deep…
September 3, 2023

How to improve focus instantaneously | Vision and eye movement

You need to improve focus so that you can retain information and improve cognition. While…
May 31, 2023

Can posture affect mood, cognition, motivation, and stress?

“Sit up,” “Fix your posture,” and “Stand tall” are common phrases reiterated by school staff,…
May 8, 2024 in Science

A mystery in photoreceptor evolution

The leading question in the ability to perceive light is how did light-sensing cells evolve.…
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February 4, 2024 in Psychology

What is power?

(An anecdotal essay) The word "power" is vague. In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "power" has nine…
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December 30, 2023 in Science

Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness, and Emotion

What is artificial intelligence? Most artificial intelligence systems are built on artificial neural networks, which…
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November 20, 2023 in Science

Why did life arise? A scientific interpretation

How did life arise?One fundamental question is how did life arise. This question has been…
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