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the Project

I’m Daria Lukash. I was born in Ukraine. My family moved to a suburb just northeast of San Francisco when Ukraine’s territory Crimea was seized in 2014. After the pandemic, my family moved to Southwest Florida. I’m obsessed with the origin of life and thought; the mechanics of idea synthesis; and human nature. I journal and think every second that I can. Eat Intellect is an archive of some of my thoughts, but also an evolution of my projects as I develop more skills.

The content on this site is an assortment of brief thoughts and longer articles. At first, I wrote about things I learned. I tried to support every statement with evidence from journal studies, podcast episodes, and books. These writings are accurate and credible, but can easily be replicated with artificial intelligence. AI is good at citing sources, extracting information from databases, and recombing that information. So I went away from rewriting and rediscovering for a while. Now I write my intuitive thoughts and how they naturally unfold. Here obscure philosophy mingles with precise science. It’s an exploration of the material and metaphysical realities.



“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, remembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that what was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.”
— T.S. Eliot

May 8, 2024 in Science

A mystery in photoreceptor evolution

The leading question in the ability to perceive light is how did light-sensing cells evolve.…
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February 4, 2024 in Psychology

What is power?

(An anecdotal essay) The word "power" is vague. In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "power" has nine…
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December 30, 2023 in Science

Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness, and Emotion

What is artificial intelligence? Most artificial intelligence systems are built on artificial neural networks, which…
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November 20, 2023 in Science

Why did life arise? A scientific interpretation

How did life arise?One fundamental question is how did life arise. This question has been…
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October 18, 2023 in Science

The peculiar similarity between energy systems of plants and solar panels

EnergyIn physics, energy is the currency that allows for work. Energy exists in different forms…
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October 1, 2023 in Science

How do we know the universe is expanding?

Based on a discussion with Brian Keating, Professor of Astrophysics and Space Science at the…
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September 3, 2023 in Science

How to improve focus instantaneously | Vision and eye movement

You need to improve focus so that you can retain information and improve cognition. While…
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August 29, 2023 in Science

The logic behind productivity | Why you should improve cognitive speed

Table of contents: Problem: you don't have time to do anything. What is work? and…
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July 15, 2023 in Health

Using the chamomile herb for healing

History Humans have used chamomile’s ancient healing properties before any science could clinically prove its…
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July 3, 2023 in Health, Science

How to rest and recharge the brain and body | NSDR

What is NSDR? Increase performance. Vivify memory. Enhance learning. Savor relaxation. Maximize health. Non-sleep deep…
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June 27, 2023 in Psychology, Science

The Science of Focus | Why you get distracted

Cursed distraction After about an hour, focus begins to waver. Compulsive distraction seeps into the…
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June 21, 2023 in Psychology

Stimulate creativity in any area of work: change the environment

Your creativity is doomed: stacks of books, scribbles, curls of eraser shavings, wasted ink, bleak…
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June 10, 2023 in Health

Beware of tap water | Don’t drink it

Contaminants Did you know that you can view the toxicity of your local water supply? The…
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May 31, 2023 in Health, Psychology

Can posture affect mood, cognition, motivation, and stress?

“Sit up,” “Fix your posture,” and “Stand tall” are common phrases reiterated by school staff,…
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May 20, 2023 in Health

Using light to adjust and improve your sleep

Serving as the framework for physical and mental functioning, adequate sleep is essential for the…
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May 15, 2023 in Psychology, Sport

The Psychology Of Sports

The expanse of evidence for the positive health benefits of doing physical exercise is so…
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April 30, 2023 in Psychology, Sport

Play and experiment to enhance cognition and performance

A predominant part of life and brain development in various species, particularly humans is play,…
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April 24, 2023 in Health, Science

Use this breathing technique to reduce stress, calm down, and recover faster

There are a variety of studies and research surrounding the use of breathing methods to…
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April 9, 2023 in Sport

Increase performance exponentially by cooling down faster

Fitness is vital for sports performance, with athletes expected to maintain optimal output in all…
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March 29, 2023 in Psychology, Science

How to use hand gestures to create more meaningful presentations and conversations

Creating a powerful message in a speech or interaction with another person can be invaluable…
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