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Socialist schoolyard

For those who like satire as much as I do:

A boy sits on a perfectly good bench (just like every other bench) in the schoolyard. Nobody is playing games because games produce winners and losers, which is unfair because all children should be equal, and all should be winners. The other boy by the slide is considered the popular kid, but not because he has cool hair or runs fast or can do a backflip, but because he was assigned that role by the principal. In fact, the “popularity” gets reassigned to a new student every two hours so that every child gets to feel popular regardless of any prejudice. Ideals of intelligence and attractiveness should be abolished because they place some students at an unfair advantage. They are also logical fallacies constructed by the people who are in power. Logic itself is merely a social construct designed to benefit the tyrannical intellects and is unfair to all other carbon-based beings.

This song features twangy “moo” noises at 0:50, which are inspired by the notorious Animal Farm by George Orwell. 


Styles fused together. The music is a story. You never know what’s coming next, but you know it’s something.



This is the first recording I’ve ever made. There’s an obscure tempo and flickering notes scatter in the background. It sounds like rain.